Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to shoot a basketball like a pro.?

all nba players shoot pretty much the same every time that means repitition and practice it is the way they shoot it that gives some the edge in accuarcy consistency and repeatability

the players who can send the ball to the rim with as few varibles as possible are the best shooters

a shot needs to be simple and is repeatable

a release that can be used for all types of shots, freethrows shotst off the dribble set shots runners fadeaways shots under pressure and long range shots

when you shoot, push your arm out extending it as far as it can go with your elbow locking --- this is another way to ensure consistency

if you don't push your arm as far as it will go and your arm stops short, you will have to repeat that same partial extension - thus adding variables (or things that could go wrong) and jeopardizing consistency

some people will tell you to flip your wrist or snap it or flick it

DO NOT SNAP YOUR WRIST!!!!! it is hard to maintain the exact speed ind force of the snap every time

don't tense up any part of your hand because you will add extra spin and add variables to your shot

if you tense up any part of your hand or fingers when you shoot.. this action must be repeated exactly every time you shoot if you want to be consistent .. which is nearly impossible

the best shooters don't change the release due to varying distances from the basket change the amount of power your great shooters shoot high -medium high arch- 45/50 to as much as 60 degrees


the swishmethod, revolutionary shooting!!!

takes the complications fears and pressures of shooting

all these methods float around BEEF, cookie jar, coaches telling you to square up, keep your elbow in

all these complicated shooting tips that tell you point upon point upon point and so many different things that have to go right to make the shot

these are called variables

and you want to minamize them

and thats what the swish method does

the swishmethod is the real deal


How to shoot a basketball like a pro.?nba finals

Practice, practice, practice, it worked for me now I am a starting center! Yay

How to shoot a basketball like a pro.?college football ,nba teams

Square up to the basket and have your feet set
just take the hand that u right with and set it under the ball and and ur week hand on the side of the ball

the week hand should be facing up and ur strong hand should be sorta flat over ur head or anywere around ur head or shoulder u decide where u want it to be. then when u go to shoot u extend ur arm all the way and flick ur wris. the last part is the most important

u should use ur index, middle, and ring finder to guid the ball and ur thumb to holde it

and allways fallow throw to make sure u r shooting the ball correcty.
just have hope and confidence that its gonna go in
Practice until Mid night. Get some sleep. Wake up and practice.

After few days... maybe months.... maybe years..... lol.... you will get your touch!

Have the dream and passion.

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